Search Results for: fitness equipment
NFL Caliber Fitness Centers and Other Things My College Freshman Can Do Without
Dear College, Thank you for hosting my daughter and me for a campus tour. We had a great time. The campus was lovely. Our guide was perky, charming, and enthusiastic, and your facilities are amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I was a bit taken aback. I mean, WOW! For a minute I almost forgot…
Health & Fitness Tips from Celebrity Trainer Harley Pasternak
It’s your lucky day, ModernMoms! Here are some very helpful tips from renowned fitness and nutrition expert and famed celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak. Harley’s first book, 5-Factor Fitness, was a #1 top seller in its category at Barnes & Noble and and his second book, 5-Factor Diet, hit the New York Times Best Sellers list. He’s appeared on shows like Oprah, Dr Oz, The Tyra Banks Show, Access Hollywood, Extra, Rachael Ray and Next Top Model and is a frequent guest on The Today Show. Here’s what this fitness guru shared with us about leading a healthy lifestyle.
Olympic Trainer John Abdo Shares Family Fitness Tips
Modern Mom was delighted to get a chance to interview fitness expert and Olympic trainer John Abdo about how to promote health and well-being in a family. John suggests that families exercise together, so health becomes a family activity, rather than an individual goal. Love that idea! Here’s some more practical health advice from the this renowned fitness guru and inventor of the Ab Doer Twist: ModernMom: What are some great exercises the whole family can do together?
Fitness Centers for Kids
It doesn’t matter whether your child is or is not a budding jock, a fitness center designed just for kids is a great place to introduce him to the importance of working out. In this safe, controlled environment, he can practice certain exercises and stay healthy among his peers, without feeling intimidated by or looked down upon by adults.
Top Ten Kid Fitness Tips
Tips for kids and exercising:If they know they’re exercising how do we teach them to make it a habit? Your kids will know how good it feels to play a running game outside with friends, to be able to carry a big blox of blocks or to be flexible enough to reach for a favorite T-shirt on a high shelf. Just because you’re not letting them in on the secret doesn’t mean you’re letting them off the hook. Reinforce how good activity feels “Isn’t that energy great?”