Search Results for: fixing expense
What’s Budget Friendly For This Thanksgiving’s Meal
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and if you’re feeling a bit behind in your preparations, you’re not alone. I recently had to do a quick Google search to double-check the date for this year’s Thanksgiving, and it’s safe to say that many of us are in the same boat. As the TSA anticipates record numbers of travelers at airports, it’s clear that this year’s Thanksgiving will be a big one for many Americans. But amid the holiday hustle and bustle, there’s some good news for those planning to host a traditional turkey feast at home – the cost of the holiday centerpiece, the turkey, has seen a significant drop in prices this year, making home-cooked celebrations more budget-friendly.
What Causes Mood Swings?
The American Heritage Medical Dictionary defines “mood swings” as alternating periods of happiness and discontent. Although feelings normally fluctuate from day to day, and even during the course of the same day, extreme or prolonged mood swings are often associated with mood disorders. Mood swings can also be attributed to stress or pregnancy-related hormonal changes, as well as chemical imbalances in the brain.
10 Ways to Make a Budget
While many financial experts recommend making a budget, the fact is that a budget is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. Luckily, there are many options for creating a budget, affording you the opportunity to set small goals on the way to making life’s bigger goals. Choose the type of budget that suits your lifestyle, and you have a far greater chance of being successful in following it.