5 mins read

Six Simple Food Tricks To Beat The Winter Blues

Do you feel a little bummed out in the winter? The two of us definitely favor the warm, sunny summer months and Tammy even named her daughter Summer, since we love the season so much. And in the winter we tend to feel less happy. It turns out, theres actually a reason why! When were exposed to sunlight our brains produce endorphins, our bodys feel good chemicals. In the winter time, with less sun, we make fewer endorphins and were less content.

3 mins read

List of Foods That a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Can Eat

Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy. Eating a diet that is high enough in nutrients is a concern for some vegetarians. If you are a vegan, you do not eat any animal products including dairy and eggs, so getting enough protein and calcium takes some dietary planning. Lacto-ovo vegetarians get protein from the dairy and eggs they eat, but women still need to pay attention to getting enough iron in their diet.

2 mins read

How to Treat Food Poisoning in Children

Food poisoning, also known as food-borne illness, can strike children and adults alike. Symptoms of food poisoning, such as vomiting and diarrhea, typically start around eight hours after contaminated food is consumed, although some types of food poisoning, such as salmonella, can have an incubation period of up to three days. Food poisoning typically resolves after 48 hours. When treating your child’s bout of food poisoning, preventing dehydration is the most important task.