Search Results for: franchise
First Trailer for A Minecraft Movie Drops: Jack Black’s Steve and Jason Momoa Take the Lead in Blocky Adventure
The highly anticipated Minecraft Movie has just unveiled its debut trailer, offering fans the first glimpse into the live-action adaptation of one of the world’s most beloved video games. Directed by Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre filmmaker Jared Hess, the film is set to bring the pixelated, block-filled world of Minecraft to life on the big screen.
Kids Gym Entrepreneur Launches Special Needs Resource Network
Guest blogger Dina Kimmel... Kids Gym Entrepreneur Launches Special Needs Resource Network Dina Kimmel, the CEO and Founder of We Rock the Spectrum an international franchise with over 65 sensory gyms, announces the launch of Rocking the Spectrum, a special needs resource network for everyone. The site features a library of inspirational and educational videos in…
How Sensory Gyms Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum
Guest Blogger Dina Kimmel writes this week... How Sensory Gyms Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum A trampoline, a zip line, and a climbing structure — these may sound like typical pieces of equipment at any regular kids gym. In actuality, they help foster an inclusive learning and play environment. They are some of the…
Captain America: Civil War – Can’t Miss Movie
When you look at the one sheet poster for Captain America: Civil War, you’d be forgiven for fearing that this is going to be an over-stuffed, overwhelming film. There are so many characters in this film, featuring a dizzying variety of superpowers, and alliances broken and forged. Would this audacious effort – featuring a popular…
Helicopter Parents – And Their Longterm Consequences
It’s bad enough being a kid with helicopter parents. They can hover over your childhood and adolescence, warping the normal process of growing up, and inflicting enough damage for decades of therapy. In October 2015, the website Reddit asked readers what was the “worst or most embarrassing” thing their parents had put them through. The…