2 mins read

Irregular Menstrual Cycles in an Infertility Patient

Irregular menstrual cycles in an infertility patient can signal a patient who is not ovulating. Usually, the egg gets released mid-cycle (around day 14) during a normal ovulatory cycle, and if there is no pregnancy, then a menstrual cycle will occur two weeks later ( completing a 28 day cycle that month. ie: the ‘norm’) If the cycle is short (for example only 21 days), or long (more than 35 days), it can mean the patient is having trouble with ovulation.

3 mins read

Bone Disorders in Children

Some bone disorders in children are due to rare conditions and require careful clinical evaluation. If not treated promptly, bone disease can affect a child’s bone development, lead to multiple fractures and cause bone deformities. In some cases, bone disease in children leads to deterioration of motor development and permanent disability. Frequently, treatment is delayed because symptoms go unnoticed and only become apparent over time.

5 mins read

Normal Blood Pressure Levels for Kids

Even very young children can have high blood pressure. Medical problems such as heart or kidney disease are often the cause of high blood pressure in children younger than 10 years, explains MayoClinic.com. Blood pressure normally rises somewhat throughout childhood, but if your child has one or more risk factors for high blood pressure, his pediatrician may recommend more frequent blood pressure checks.

2 mins read

Depression in School Children

Childhood depression goes beyond sadness, which is a normal childhood emotion. Depression is a treatable condition faced by some children with persistent sadness that interrupts every day life. Parents may feel helpless, guilty, frustrated or confused when a child exhibits signs of depression. Understanding the basics of depression in school-age children helps parents proceed with diagnosis and treatment.

3 mins read

No Sexual Desire After Pregnancy

Newborn babies demand significant amounts of attention. After bringing the baby home, the house needs to be kept clean, you might return to work and people want to stop by and meet the new addition. Who in the world has time for sex with all of this going on? Losing your sex drive after giving birth is not unusual, and knowing it is a temporary situation will help you relax.