Search Results for: friends
Making Mom Friends During Covid-19
I’ve never had trouble making friends. In high school, I was that kid who bopped from group to group, never settling with any one posse, happily getting along with people from all different social circles. And then I got older. And then I became a mom. Our friends and colleagues were split… They were either…
Dissolving Friendships with Kids on the Autism Spectrum
We all have friendships. And, somewhere along the way many of us have had to walk away from a friendship or two—for whatever reason. Friendships happen in many ways, with or without our kids. With kids, I’d like to address two situations… One is when parents are friends, and they get their children together. The…
Two 4-Year-Old Best Friends Show What Happens When You Don’t Teach You’re Kids How To Hate
Sondheim tried to tell us in a warped fairy tale; hatred is taught, not born. Prejudices are enforced with blind caution create a self-perpetuating cycle of racism, gender bias, and mindless violence. My own experience reaches back to first grade where I sat in a classroom with white kids, black kids, Asian kids, and who…
Why It’s Better To Work Out With Friends
Change your relationship with exercise. You dont need to do this alone. Whatever your fitness goal, consistency is the key to reaching it. When you join forces with your friends, youll find benefits that go beyond your expectations. Anything you do consistently over time will yield results good or bad.
An Autism-Friendship-related Challenge
My son has a friend—which in itself is a big deal in the world of autism. And, it’s a big deal for our kid. My son has known a lot of kids, but has never had too many close friendships over the years. And, the “friends” he did have were mostly through social groups. He…