Search Results for: grass clippings
Seasonal Allergies in a Baby
Seasonal allergies for babies can be difficult to diagnose, as they have not been alive long enough to develop a history of triggers; however, many babies are allergic. Typical triggers for seasonal allergies include pollen from many types of plants and freshly cut grass clippings during spring and summer. Symptoms include watery eyes, skin irritations and sneezing.
How Does Composting Work?
Composting at your home allows you to recycle your own waste while providing nutrition for your garden. You can compost almost anywhere, although some areas have laws regulating it, such as requiring a closed container to contain smells. Creating a compost pile is easy to do, and maintenance doesn’t require much of your time.
Materials for Composting
Composting your organic waste allows you to create nutrient-dense food for your garden. Creating a compost pile requires only a small amount of space and a few materials to get started. Once it’s up and running, you simple need to keep feeding the pile so that you can have a steady stream of compost for your garden.
Home Composting Made Easy
Two basic methods of composting exist — hot composting and cold composting. Hot composting usually involves using a composter. This expensive gardening item heats the compost to more than 100 degrees F, which kills weed seeds and pathogens, and monitors the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of the compost pile. If you want to compost without the hassle, then use the cold composting method. Cold composting takes more time and doesn’t kill all the weeds or pathogens, but it’s an achievable composting method for almost any gardener.