3 mins read

Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Love Handles

While the term “love handle” may sound positive, many possessors of these physical features don’t find them so desirable. This extra bulk around the midsection can make a major physical difference, causing garments to fit less flatteringly and your silhouette to lack the sleek, smooth look you desire. Although these waistline additions are often challenging to get rid of, with dedication to the task, you can reduce the size, and maybe even ultimately get rid of, your undesirable extra bulk.

3 mins read

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat & Love Handles

Subtle changes to your daily routine can help you lose extra fat around your belly and whittle your love handles away. In addition to switching to healthier foods, such as whole grains and unsaturated fats and exercising daily, examine your sleep schedule. Adults who get fewer than seven hours of sleep nightly are more likely to be obese, according to the “Washington Post.”

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How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast

Love handles are unsightly and are also nothing to joke about, according to the Mayo Clinic. Excessive abdominal fat in women can cause heart attacks and other serious problems, such as stroke. Unfortunately, no surefire way to remove those love handles permanently and quickly really exists. Women fighting this particular battle of the bulge must really pay attention to their diet and exercise routines to reduce unwanted belly fat and also to protect their overall health. Pregnant moms should not try to get rid of love handles until after delivery; losing weight during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects in growing babies.

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Easy Way to Get Rid of Love Handles

You won’t have to do hundreds of crunches or sit-ups a day to lose your love handles, which is what the oblique muscles on the side of the abdomen are called when they get flabby and soft. Doing crunches alone simply won’t be effective and will make you tired and less likely to work on trimming your middle. Change your diet so that you eat plenty of healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables, add some cardiovascular exercise to your routine, and do a few abdominal exercises a day and you’ll be on your way to ditching your love handles.