3 mins read

What Are the Treatments for Anal Warts?

Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), anal warts, also known as condyloma, are growths affecting the skin around the anus, in the anal canal or in the lower rectum. Sexual contact is usually how you would get anal warts. Anal warts may affect the male (penis or scrotum) or female (vagina or labia) genitals. Having anal warts can cause discomfort, irritation, bleeding, itchiness and difficulty in bowel movements. Choosing the proper treatment depends on the location, number and size of the warts.

3 mins read

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD

Losing weight through a hypnosis CD appears to be a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that hypnosis can help with weight loss. The bad news is that hypnosis CDs probably do not work well. Hypnosis is only responsible for limited weight loss and only when combined with another weight loss method, according to the Vanderbilt University Psychology Department.