3 mins read

Normal Weight to Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain is one of the most noticeable and dreaded parts of pregnancy. It can be difficult to watch your stomach expand as you grow rapidly out of your once favorite jeans. To make your pregnancy weight gain less painful and to assist you in snapping back to your weight before you became pregnant educate yourself on the basics of pregnancy weight gain and take strides to minimize unnecessarily weight gain.

3 mins read

Does Your Child Need Early Intervention?

Does Your Child Need Early Intervention? Below is a short list of questions you could ask yourself if you are considering an autism evaluation for your child. This list is called the Early Intervention Procedures and was outlined and published by Autism Speaks. Does your toddler show any of the following signs? *No babbling by 12 months *No back and forth gestures such as pointing, showing, reaching or waving by 12 months *No response to …