Search Results for: home's water
Ways to Recycle Water
Recycling usually brings to mind cans, bottles and paper products, but recycling water is another way to benefit the environment and lower your utility bills. The water you save through various recycling efforts works well for watering houseplants and irrigating the landscaping outside your home.
Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill
Utility bills add up to an average of $1,900 for most families in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Lowering your utility bills gives you more money in the budget for other expenses while benefiting the environment by conserving fossil fuels. Some energy-reducing strategies are simple to begin immediately, while others take some time and upfront investment.
Ways to Go Green at Home
When you go green at home, you can make your home environment a healthier place to live. You can be green and stay well within your budget, too. By taking just a few actions to go green at home, you can make your life better and maybe help future generations, too. When you go green at home, you can make your home environment a healthier place to live. You can be green and stay well within your budget, too. By taking just a few actions to go green at home, you can make your life better and maybe help future generations, too.
Chemicals in Green Cleaning Products
You are probably aware that many chemicals in cleaning products can be dangerous for the environment, and this has caused you to make the switch to “green” cleaning products. These products are safer for the environment, but they do still contain chemicals than can cause harm if you use them incorrectly. Consider all the facts when choosing the best cleaning products for your family.
How Do I Make My Home Green?
Going green–being environmentally friendly–is all the rage, and you don’t have to sacrifice too much to make a big impact. If you want to help save the planet, you need to reduce the amount of energy that you use and the amount of waste that you produce. Don’t think that this is an all-or-nothing affair. You can make only a few changes and still make a difference. Best of all, as you become more green, you’ll see financial savings.