Search Results for: homeowners
Organizing Your Life for Homeownership
Congratulations! Youve finally found the one. Tall, dark, handsomeno, wait a minute. This one is more of the white picket fence and center hall variety a house and its yours! No more virtual tours, open houses, and calls from your realtor proclaiming Ive found it! You have now joined the ranks of proud homeowners across the country. Pop the cork, cross the threshold, and take a seat on your new couch. You might need a seat when the excitement wears off and you realize that this is (gulp) the biggest purchase you have ever made. But dont panic yet. With a little preparation and guidance you can navigate the world of the new homeowner with your sanity and your savings intact.
Navigating the 2024 United States Real Estate Market
The pandemic's far-reaching impact on economies worldwide has set in motion a series of events, including a surge in inflation rates and a rapid increase in mortgage rates. This economic upheaval has led many prospective homebuyers across the United States to bide their time, awaiting the right opportunity to venture into the real estate market.…
3 Financial Moves to Make Before You Buy a Home
Home sales in the U.S. are skyrocketing as interest rates remain at historically low levels. In fact, Zillow expects nearly 7 million existing-home sales this year—the most since 2005. With so many prospective homebuyers on the market, you too may be wondering if it’s time to take the plunge into homeownership. Before you begin hunting…
Why A Home Exchange Is a Great Family Vacation
Like a lot of families, our summer vacation plans were canceled due to COVID-19. We are looking forward to the days when we can travel again. When we are able, our next vacation will be a home exchange. We got started home exchanging three years ago, and now, it's our favorite way to vacation! So…
Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce
More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…