1 min read

2010 Top 20 Hottest Toys

The Toy Insider has announced their 20 Hottest Toys list for 2010. I thought I would share the list with you so if a little one in your house asks for this for Christmas you will know what it is and we can all be on the look out for sales for these items. If you come across a great deal, leave a comment so we can get the deal too 🙂

4 mins read

10 Hottest Hairstyles

Hot hairstyles are popular hair trends. Most have been around for years, but they keep coming back with new twists and variations. The hottest hairstyles are those that famous personalities wear and that customers often request at their hairstylist’s shop. Hottest hairstyles are all around you, including the celluloid screens and the magazines.

3 mins read

Hottest New Hairstyles

When a new type of hairstyle is in demand, it is hot. It becomes even hotter when top celebrities love it and when almost all your gal pals want to have it, too. If you are still wearing the same hairstyle you had in your junior year of college, try to style your hair in one of the latest, hottest hair trends.

2 mins read

World Cup’s Hottest Players. Holy Lord…

Moms, ok, here’s the deal. You may or may not be into what’s happening in South Africa right now. Chances are, your friend, your man, your dad, someone has been tuning into the World Cup extravaganza, and let me tell ya, an extravaganza it is…Forget watching the “Bachelorette” or “The Biggest Loser”, when every single night you can see the world’s most beautiful and incredibly athletic men on a field, sweaty and muddy. Now, I am very well aware that they are (at most) 28 years old and some of us (NOT ME!) are old enough to be their mothers, but anyway, never mind that, I mean, just look at Demi and Ashton, right?! Here are my personal favorite hotties of the World Cup 2010.