Search Results for: how you can make
Healthy Cranberry Holiday Cookies You Can Make with the Kids
Some of our best memories as kids were the times spent in the kitchen baking holiday cookies with our mom. And now, with our own kids, this is still one of our favorite things to do. The difference is that now with the hectic holiday season we don’t have to stress over finding a full…
What Can You Put in Nail Polish to Make it Less Thick?
Whether you have an extensive nail polish collection or only a few go-to favorites that help you feel lovely and polished for an interview or night out, with time your nail polish will eventually begin to dry out and become thicker and more difficult to use. Rather than throw the bottle away, here are a…
Can Swimming Make Your Child Smarter?
If you want to learn to swim jump into the water. On dry land no frame of mind is ever going to help you. – Bruce Lee Splash! Dive! Dog paddle! Get your kids swimming as early as possible. Yes, it feels good and yes, its good for you, but did you know that swimming makes your child smarter?
5 Simple Health Improvements You Can Make This Year
If you feel like your New Years resolution to get healthier has started to fall by the wayside but you still want to improve your lifestyle, dont worry!We have some easy tips to help you jump-start your commitment to a better you. Best of all, they’re totally doable, no matter how crazy the kids’ schedules (or yours!) get.1. Follow Our Red, Green and Orange RuleAt each of your meals …
What Foods Can You Eat to Make Your Hair Grow?
What you eat plays an important role in laying down a healthy foundation for hair growth. In addition to patience, common sense and general awareness of healthy habits, you’ll need a lifelong commitment to eating a well-balanced diet to maintain healthy hair. Choose the right foods to get the nutrients necessary to have healthy hair growth.