Search Results for: hydrogen peroxide
How to Bleach Out the Original Color of a Cotton Shirt
Do you have a soft cotton shirt that's in great shape, but you no longer care for the color or the print? Don't toss that shirt! Give it new life by bleaching it back to white. The Prep Work The best place to bleach out a cotton t-shirt is in the kitchen. A double sink…
How to Get Bloodstains Out of Jeans
Whether you are dealing with a skinned knee, a scratch from an outdoor adventure, or the dreaded period leak, avoiding blood stains on you and your kids' clothing is nearly impossible. Trying to remove the blood from jeans can seem even more impossible if you do not know how to do it. Luckily, removing blood…
6 Ways To Keep Your Child’s Bathroom Clean And Green
Want some great tips to help you keep your child’s bathroom free of harsh chemicals and toxic fumes. Try some of these ideas and green alternatives to help the environment and your little one! 1. Ditch the Liquid Soap Somewhere along the way liquid soap replaced good old fashioned bar soap, and we’re not sure why. What we do know is that bar soap lasts quite a bit longer and is a lot more eco-friendly with its packaging. The average bar soap is wrapped in a slip of paper or cardboard, which can be recycled or even better, composted.
Surviving the Post-Summer Camp Transition!
Your little darling just got home from sleep-away camp and brought home a duffle bag full of thrice-worn clothes with ground in dirt and grass stains. He smells like hes been counting lake swimming as a daily bath, and for some ungodly reason, hes bouncing off the walls!
Ways to Go Green at Home
When you go green at home, you can make your home environment a healthier place to live. You can be green and stay well within your budget, too. By taking just a few actions to go green at home, you can make your life better and maybe help future generations, too. When you go green at home, you can make your home environment a healthier place to live. You can be green and stay well within your budget, too. By taking just a few actions to go green at home, you can make your life better and maybe help future generations, too.