4 mins read

Packing List for a Family

Checklist plans often besiege you when going off on a trip with the whole family. Your mind is thinking of hundreds of items you would like to take with you, but you do not know where to start. Get organized and tailor-fit your packing list, based on the kind of getaway trip you are embarking on.

5 mins read

A Home Library for Your Children: Here’s How…

The best predictor of reading success is the amount of time children spend reading both in and out of the home. Having a variety of appropriate books at home in your own library makes sharing books convenient, interesting and enjoyable for children of all ages. Its never too early to begin developing your home library. Even the youngest infants and toddlers need books to promote literacy and language development. Home libraries do not have to be expensive. Its not about the quantity of books you have, but more importantly, its about the quality and variety of books to which your child will have access.