5 mins read

How To Make A Vision Board

Welcome back to my Modern Mom Blog!! It’s a brand new year. And a brand new year, means a brand new start. There is no more perfect time than NOW to make your vision board, and put your plan into action. Yes, 2012 is about ACTION. This year, we’re not just talking – we’re walking our talk. And it’s gonna be powerful. This year, we’re DREAMING BIG.

2 mins read

Cool & Educational Games for Kids

When children seem to drown in new information or resist the drill approach to memorizing facts, consider implementing cool educational games. Many games, from traditional to multimedia, individual to large group, spark children’s interest and keep them motivated when other methods fail. Learning games work in the classroom, at home, in the library and in after-school settings.

2 mins read

How to be Green at Home

Going green is more than just a trend, and a far cry from being just another marketing ploy companies use to attract potential customers. In fact, adopting green habits can improve you and your family’s health, help preserve the environment and save your family money. By implementing a few practices into your current routine, you can be green at home and reap the benefits.

2 mins read

Tough Love Parental Resources

Tough love is a parenting, or teaching, style in which the person in charge sets boundaries and enforces those boundaries in order to help children grow into responsible adults. When done correctly, it is not a demeaning method of parenting. Instead of focusing on discipline and punishment, it focuses on positive ways to enforce boundaries while encouraging children to better themselves.

6 mins read

Tips on Organizing a Family Reunion

Closely knitted families should make it a point to have a reunion every year. Aside from the usual Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, there should be a separate day for families to get together to have fun, eat good food and strengthen the bond that holds them together. Organizing a family reunion can be a challenging undertaking, but proper planning and execution can make it a successful one.