2 mins read

Signs of Bladder Infection During Pregnancy

Bladder infections, also called urinary tract infections (UTI), are the second most common ones to occur in the body, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). Some organizations, like the American Pregnancy Association (APA), believe you are more likely to get a bladder infection during pregnancy.

2 mins read

Dizziness & Nausea in an Ear Infection

Inner ear infections differ from middle ear infections. Middle ear infections are the ones children typically get that affect the eardrum. When you get an ear infection that inflames the inner ear, you can become dizzy and nauseous. Other difficulties connected with inner ear infections are vertigo, balance problems, vision problems and hearing problems.

3 mins read

Baby Flying With an Ear Infection

Flying can be stressful enough, but flying with a crying baby takes the stress to another level. It can be difficult to ascertain who is most stressed–you, the baby or the people around you. Whichever it is, you want to make the flight as smooth as possible for everyone involved. Pay attention to your baby’s ears because they are one of the main culprits for causing discomfort to babies on planes.

5 mins read

Bladder Infection? You Don’t Need Antibiotics!

All right ladies, we all know the feeling that sense of urgency, the painful urination, sometimes worse. Bladder infections are more than just a pain in the you know what. They can be a constant source of irritation and inconvenience. They also force us take medications and supplements that are just plain bad for you. Just thinking about it makes me want to cross my legs and squint my eyes! Throw in the subsequent yeast infection that trails the bladder infection (caused by antibiotics) and youre left with a woman on the brink!