5 mins read

Tips For Road Trips With Kids

Summer is upon us and vacations are being planned as we speak! The meaning of a summer vacation is quite different now that I have kids. When I was younger, I would envision my summer vacations to look something like an MTV music video. Now the resemblance is more like a National Lampoon's Vacation movie.…

7 mins read

An Update on the IEP Procedure

This blog is a follow-up to an earlier blog (from this year) that discussed signing your IEP document. The IEP meeting (one which determines the Individualized Educational Program for a child with a disability) can be a long and exhausting meeting. In this blog, Iʼm not going to go into the meeting itself, but instead…

7 mins read

Ten Financial Tips for Women Seriously Considering Divorce

1. Get informed. In order to have an idea of where you stand financially after divorce you need to figure out your financial status as a married couple. Gather all of the documents pertaining to your assets and liabilities. Each current account statement, whether it’s reporting the mortgage balance, credit card balance, Individual Retirement Account value, student loan, etc.

2 mins read

Tips for Caring for Elderly Parents

At times rewarding and other times challenging, caring for elderly parents can place a financial, physical and emotional burden on you and your family. Sometimes parents have physical or mental disabilities, or suffer medical and psychological problems, further complicating the situation. You want to provide loving support, but you also need to carve out time and space for yourself. Fortunately, many authors and agencies have created strategies that work well during elder care.

2 mins read

How to Assess Child Behavior Problems

Children exhibit a wide variety of behavior issues, some of which represent a phase or a stage of emotional development. Others behavior problems, however, stem from deeper issues that have roots in several factors. To properly assess behavioral problems in children, include the people important in the child’s life at home, at school, in extracurricular activities and in any support services. Remember that the first diagnosis serves only as an educated guess as the professionals with whom you consult continue to refine their observations and suggestions for addressing the behavior problem.