6 mins read

7 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Safer

The threats we face as a nation are real, but they shouldn’t be paralyzing. For too long, those like me in the security world have done much to get you worried -- ISIS, Zika, random gun violence, hurricanes, oh my . . . – but not much to get you ready. We’ve managed to talk…

15 mins read

5 Dream Destinations for Your Second Honeymoon

Ill be completely honestmy honeymoon, nearly 20 years ago, wasnt all that great. I was sick in bed with the flu the whole first week on Kauai. The second week, my husband and I decided to try our hand at windsurfing on Maui. While I was feeling better, it was grueling. We ended each day bandaging our blistered hands (a side effect of gripping the boom when youre a beginner windsurfer …

4 mins read

Your Child’s Privacy Has Flown the Coop

Angry Birds, one of the most popular game apps ever, lets you take out frustrations vicariously by flinging digital birds at pigs. But, it isnt as innocent as may seem. In addition to wasting time, the app has been known to store personal info such as location to target specific ads at you. And its not alone.