2 mins read

Vitamins for Perimenopausal Women

Most women spend several years in a transitional stage before menopause called perimenopause. During this transitional time, their bodies move from having regular monthly periods to no longer having cycles, thereby, becoming infertile. Maintaining health during this transitional period helps your body adjust to the changes. Getting enough of certain vitamins through nutrition in foods or supplements will keep your body strong, while reducing perimenopause symptoms.

2 mins read

Male Fertility Foods

Sometimes, infertility problems happen because a man has problems with his sperm count, according to both MSNBC and the Baby Center. While basic steps like taking vitamins and not wearing tight underwear can help increase male fertility, sometimes cutting back on processed foods and eating better can go a long way toward making a baby. Men who want to conceive a child should also avoid smoking marijuana or prolonged hot tub soaks, as these practices can also sap sperm motility.

3 mins read

Diet for Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not the time to go on an actual diet. Even moms-to-be who are clinically obese need to gain some weight during pregnancy, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, you and your future child are best served if you follow a few basic healthy eating guidelines, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy.

2 mins read

How to Eat Organic on a Budget

Consumers, for the most part, are aware of the benefits of consuming organic foods, including a reduced chance of ingesting toxic chemicals and pesticides. The problem is that many organic products come at a steep price. It can be challenging to integrate more than a few organic foods into your diet, but with some creative planning, it is possible to eat organic on a budget.