3 mins read

Side Effects of Vasectomies

The National Institutes of Health reported in 2009 that approximately 500,000 vasectomies are performed in the United States each year. The procedure, which involves making the male patient infertile by cutting or blocking the left and right portions of the vas deferens to prevent sperm from being included in the man’s semen, is generally complication-free. After a man has a vasectomy, he is usually able to return to normal physical and sexual activities within several days. There are, however, a few side effects that can result after a vasectomy procedure.

3 mins read

Pre-Pregnancy Workouts

Working out and exercising can do wonders for your health. Getting too much exercise and working out too hard can also do a number on your health, especially if you are planning on becoming pregnant in the near future. Too much exercise can prevent ovulation or cause you to skip your period. You should still strive to workout, though. Just keep the workouts moderately tame, and don’t start training for a triathlon.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Leg Exercises

A healthy pregnancy includes exercises to strengthen muscles and increase your endurance. Exercises targeting the leg muscles provide you a solid base through the pregnancy and beyond. Strong legs don’t require hours at the gym using specialty equipment. While some weightlifting is safe during pregnancy, you have other options to tone and build up your legs.

2 mins read

The Best Exercise During Pregnancy to Boost Energy

Exercise during pregnancy won’t just give you extra energy — it can put you in a better mood, keep your muscles nicely toned, help you sleep better and make it easier on your body during your delivery and post-pregnancy recovery, says the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG. The best exercise program for you includes activities that are effective and safe, and that can be performed with minimal discomfort.

3 mins read

Bladder Leakage in Women

Twice as many women than men suffer from bladder leakage, otherwise known as urinary incontinence. Whether they lose a small amount whenever they laugh, cough or sneeze, or the urge strikes so quickly that their bladder empties completely with a few seconds’ notice, it can become embarrassing. Many women with UI avoid social situations out of fear they will not be able to get to a restroom soon enough. Understanding the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence can give you control of your daily activities again.