Search Results for: instantly
8 Ways to Look Thinner INSTANTLY
Warm weather is on its way! This means getting pretty pedicures to show off in new sandals, trips to the beach with the family, and – horror of horrors – tank tops and shorts! Yes, this is the season when people really start to buckle down with their fitness and health. After all, those extra pounds you hid under big sweaters may have kept you warm in the winter, but now they are just depleting your self-confidence whenever you try on a sleeveless top or cute dress.
Look Instantly Younger: Groom Your Eyebrows
Eyebrows are one of my most favorite topics. I most definitely had my own bad experiences with some bad brow jobs…too thin, too much hair left in the wrong areas, too much off the front and too much off the end. Sound familiar?
5 Ways to Instantly Organize Your Closet
Are you so tired of all of your clothes and shoes being just everywhere? Chances are you don’t even know what you have with a messy closet. Glamour magazine’s closet-obsessed guru Suze Yalof Schwartz says you don’t need to hire a professional organizer to get things tidy. Here’s her top five ways to get your closet looking ten times better instantly.
Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide
The holidays are here, and so is the joy (and sometimes the stress!) of finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. At Modern Mom, we’ve curated the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide to make your shopping easier and more fun.
Misogyny in Healthcare (& Beyond) Hurts Us All
Misogyny in healthcare is a real problem. But it doesn’t stop there.