Search Results for: insurance organization
Pregnancy & Health Insurance
Pregnancy and birth may seem as natural as breathing, but it is a medical condition requiring specific health care. If you have a comprehensive health insurance plan, your insurance may or may not cover all your drugs, treatments, appointments and needs. Be aware of your needs and resources as you enter these exciting nine months.
Can I Get Health Insurance If I Am Already Pregnant?
No doubt about it, having insurance can ease some of the burdens of pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, delivering a baby costs more than $6,000. Prenatal (before birth) care, including doctor visits and tests, adds to the expense. Not only does health insurance cover most costs, it can help women obtain needed care and services. Even if you’re already pregnant, you may still be able to obtain health insurance, depending on your circumstances.
Childhood Cancer – Fear Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Known
We partnered with Northwestern Mutual on this post. We had what many would see as the perfect life. Married with two young boys. A beautiful rural home with picturesque views and the calming peace that nature can bring to a person. The biggest nuisance we had to deal with was the morning sickness that I was…
March Astrology
Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional waterworld of the ocean god. This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes.
From Actress to Activist: Why We Love Holly Robinson Peete
From actor and singer to active philanthropist, Holly Robinson Peete is the epitome of a ModernMom. We were beyond excited at the opportunity to interview the beautiful and talented mommy of four, and learn more about the journey that brought her to where she is today!