Search Results for: intense
Top Movies Streaming on Paramount+ Now
As the fall and winter seasons roll in, there’s nothing better than cozying up indoors with some great films. Paramount+ offers an impressive lineup of streaming content, from nostalgic classics to new releases that will entertain the whole family. Here’s a look at some of the top movies streaming on Paramount+ right now, with direct links to make watching even easier.
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Name Change: What Parents Need to Know
This week, social media is buzzing with the news that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has filed a request to legally drop "Pitt" from her hyphenated surname on her 18th birthday this month. Shiloh’s decision has ignited a plethora of reactions online, from fiesty discussions about “Brangelina” family dynamics, celebrity relationships…
Unlocking the Mystery: Why Alcohol Is a Chef’s Best Friend
Why use alcohol like vodka in cooking if it just evaporates during the process? What benefit does it provide if it seems like all of it is cooked away? Cooking with alcohol isn't limited to just wines and spirits like vodka; around the world, unique alcohols play pivotal roles in traditional dishes, bringing out flavors…
Our Last Minute Gift Picks For Mom
There's a few short days left before we celebrate mom! Some of you may already have it all together, planned, wrapped and tagged (we love you for that). But, for those of you who have a bazillion balls that you are juggling and you just have not had the chance to grab that perfect gift…
Helicopter Parents: Avoid Hovering Through Preparation
Helicopter parents are known for hovering over their teens every second of every day. They are overly attentive and fearful for their child’s every problem. This intense involvement with teens, though, can be avoided through just one thing: preparation. Many people become helicopter parents because they do not adequately plan, so they have to lead…