2 mins read

Fashion Tips for Women Over 60

To look at the pages of “Vogue” or “Cosmopolitan,” you would think that women over the age of 60 do not exist. The fact is, many women over 60 love fashion, and they have options beyond muumuus and elastic waist pants. Whether you work or are retired, you can locate and create ensembles that flatter your body type, suit your lifestyle and express your unique sense of style.

3 mins read

Teen and Tween Room Decorating Ideas

Let’s face it: Tween and teen girls are not all that easy to handle. At that age, my room was my own private sanctuary where I’d listen to records, flip through Tiger Beat and YM (wow am I dating myself or what?), play around with makeup and my curling iron, gossip with my friends on the phone, have sleepovers and do my homework. More importantly, when I was in a bad mood, I’d be out of my parents’ hair.