4 mins read

Does “WHY” My Son Has Autism Really Matter?

When our son first began with autism services, he was only fifteen months old. We were scared and didnt know what was happening to us, and to our child.We decided to concentrate on our son. We focused only on him and what he needed at that time. We read a lot of books, but we didnt tell most of the people in our lives what we were doing because we didnt …

3 mins read

Ways to Buy a House

A key element of the American Dream has been for families to own their own homes. For many families this is their primary goal. Home ownership is a practical financial investment that offers many rewards and advantages, yet for many families the dream continues to remain out of reach. However, if you have the ability to repay a home loan, but lack the required down payment, there are ways, which may allow you to buy a house more affordably.