1 min read

Australia Leads the Way on Laws Regulating Tobacco Packaging

If you ask your older parents or grandparents about attitudes towards smoking in their generation, theyll probably say that everyone did it and that it was even seen as glamorous. Tobacco has played an influential role in societies all over the world for centuries now, serving as a social activity, stress relief, or just something cool to do.

3 mins read

Employment Laws for Pregnant Women

If you’re working while you’re pregnant, you are protected under certain laws. Pregnancy will require time off, both for regular prenatal appointments and for when you actually have the baby. It’s important to understand what your rights are as an employee so that your employer treats you fairly. It is unlawful for you to face any discrimination due to your pregnancy.

5 mins read

Why Women Should Rule the World

March is Women’s History month, but let’s face it - women change the world every day. No matter what our “jobs” are (we usually have many), we know our real job is to grow the future. We’re good at it, too. Special thanks to artist Jessica Sabogal whose genius created this poster to advance women's…

4 mins read

Paid Family Leave Act – Act Now

Every day I pass working women in the supermarket check-out line at 5:30 pm on their way home from the office. I see them serving coffee at Starbucks and waiting tables while pregnant. I meet women in the office, in my community and at my daughter’s school, working moms who like the rest of America,…

6 mins read

You Are More Powerful Than You Think

Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. – Maya Angelou In these changing times, it’s good to remember the long view. Making history isn’t easy, but be assured: Women are making history. Kamala Harris became California’s first female Attorney General. Catherine…