6 mins read

How Do Our Kids Think?

How do our kids think? The most accurate word I use when describing how my child with autism thinks is he thinks “literal.” Typically, children on the autism spectrum remember the concrete much easier than the abstract. They are logical and deep thinkers. Here are some recent examples from my own child to demonstrate: My child asked me, “Will I get my computer today?” I answered him, “Discussing your bad test is 6,000 times more important than computer.” My child responded, “Or more than 6,000.”

5 mins read

Are You Guilty Of Competitive Parenting?

In the wake of the Varsity Blues Scandal everyone is asking the question - how did modern day parenting get here? Obsessive-compulsive behavior in parenting is nothing new. However the terms used to describe it have evolved. First there was the “Tiger Mom”, which morphed into “Helicopter Parenting” and now this has turned into “Intensive…

5 mins read

Taming the Temper Tantrum

Every mom has experienced them, and if you’re not at that stage yet…just wait! The stroke of the clock that ushers in your child’s toddler years also starts the ruthless era of the temper tantrum. Patty Onderko from Parenting.com helped us figure out the rationale behind your child’s emotional explosions.

3 mins read

Autism and High School

Well, here it is, I can’t believe this is happening, but today I helped my son apply for high school. What did we do? In our local area, our high school is very respectable. It carries high honors from academics to athletics, and is has a very good reputation. However, it is a very large…