Search Results for: loneliness
We Don’t Want Pre-Pandemic Motherhood Back
It’s too much. Mothers everywhere are feeling desperate for relief...from the chaos of never getting a break from their kids; from the insanity of working from home with their playmate-deprived children underfoot and needing a teacher; from the stress of uncertainty, the stress of job insecurity, and the stress of parenting with partners who kind…
Help – My Kid is Being Bullied! Tips To Help
This guest post was written by Jodee Blanco, author of THE PLEASE STOP LAUGHING AT MEJOURNAL: A Safe Place for Us to Talk
Helpful Tips for Empty Nest Moms
If youre a seasoned mom who woke up one morning and suddenly wondered, OMG, how did I get here?and then cringe, you just might be experiencing what is commonly referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.
What If I Don’t Find Pure Joy In Parenting?
JOY - joi/ noun - a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When I tell people I don’t find joy in parenting, half the time I am answered with a “hallelujah” and the other times I am totally judged. But see, it’s not that I don’t find parenting enjoyable and in moments joyful, it’s that I don’t…
10 Holiday Movies We Can’t Imagine Christmas Without
Every year, after all the presents are wrapped and under the tree, you can find my family curled up on the couch for Christmas Eve Movie Night.My brother usually suggests Die Hard (nice try) while my dad mentions some obscure version of A Christmas Carol that is frankly terrifying – but ultimately we go traditional.As years of practice have made me an expert in the field, I have put together a definitive list of …