2 mins read

Chances of Conceiving a Baby Girl

If you have a house full of testosterone–flowing through your partner and a truckload of sons–you are probably ready for a little more estrogen around the home. If a baby girl is in your dreams, you may be wondering how you can increase your chances. Whether you want a princess or a tom boy, your chances of conceiving a girl are the same.

3 mins read

Lower Back Exercises for Women

Regular exercise keeps you healthy and better able to move around. In addition to general cardiovascular exercise, many women target specific areas of the body. Lower back exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the spine. There are several exercises to work on the lower back muscles, and most of the moves involve other parts of the body.

3 mins read

Ways to Improve Chances to Get Pregnant

While some women may seem to get pregnant without even trying, others have trouble conceiving. Like many other physical functions, reproduction requires certain elements to achieve the desired results. Overall health, as well as certain activities may limit your ability to get pregnant. Making changes in your lifestyle, including your sex life, may provide the needed boost to help you conceive. Although some cases of infertility require medical intervention, certain changes you can make at home may increase your chances of conceiving.

2 mins read

About Lower Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

Lower abdominal pain is common during pregnancy. Most times, it is nothing to become overly concerned with, according to the March of Dimes. However, some types of lower abdominal pain–especially if accompanied by bleeding–could indicate potential pregnancy complications or even situations, such as miscarriage. Learning the characteristics that distinguish normal versus potentially abnormal lower abdominal pain can help you get prompt medical attention if necessary.