1 min read

Celeb Parents Bundles of Joy Bring in Wads of Cash From Magazines

A magazine running a cute photo of a celebumom and her newborn baby on the cover isn’t anything new. However, the amount of money that now comes with these photos (as mags compete for the best stars and the stars compete for the proper coverage) has soared significantly over the past few years. Payment is now a given. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were reportedly paid $6 million for allowing People magazine to put their twins Max and Emme on the magazine’s cover this month.

4 mins read

Should Cosmopolitan Magazine be Classified Pornography?

A recent article on Fox News describes how Victoria Hearst (an heir to the Hearst publishing empire) and former model Nicole Weider are working to get Cosmopolitan magazine (published by Hearst) declared pornography. They believe the magazine should be sequestered behind counters and sold only to adults – rather than displayed openly on grocery store shelves.