3 mins read

How Positive Affirmations Can Help You Attain Your Health Goals

The brain cannot see or hear – it only reacts to the information that you feed it. Positive affirmations are your brains way of redirecting your bodys energy to keep you motivated. Negative affirmations like: I am always tired or I cant ever do anything right only serve to reinforce negative energy and stand in the way of your progress.

3 mins read

Maintain an Active Lifestyle: Here’s How!

In todays fast paced, highly stimulating world it can be challenging to find the time to stay active. Dont feel like youre alone. Being short on time for physical activity is the #1 challenge for almost every mother. However, with a few easy and creative tips, you can add physical activity into your daily lifestyle and be you on your way to getting fit in no time.

4 mins read

Do You Use Visualization To Achieve Your Goals?

Recently I have started incorporating a visualization technique into my life. It is by no means a new technique, in fact its ancient, but until the past few years I cant say it has been a regular part of my life. How often do you take a moment to visualize your goals?I think most of us would probably agree that it usually takes a lot more than just visualization to make your …

2 mins read

Three Technology Resolutions for 2013

Ill be honest and come out (Not like Jodie Foster mind you) and say it – Im horrible at New Year resolutions. I fall off the wagon about 10 minutes in; however maybe this year will be better. My main goal in 2013 is to be more organized, particularly around my finances and technology-related information such as pictures and apps. Below are some tips and tricks to help keep my 2013 New Year resolutions.

3 mins read

I Chose You: A Letter To My Trans Child

Dear Trans Child, I chose you. I received a call asking if I would be willing to foster you. They said you were an animal lover. They told me that you were quiet and quirky. They said you were a good kid who had gotten some tough breaks. They told me you were transgender. Without…