2 mins read


Known by the official taxonomy name of Stevia Rebaudiana, stevia is a herb in the chrysanthemum and daisy family that grows naturally as a small shrub in parts of South America. The green leaves of this plant contain large amounts of steviosides which account for its incredible sweetness. What is Stevia used for and why is it so good for us ?

3 mins read

Supplements That Help Obesity in Kids

An obese child is an unhappy child — and an unhealthy child. Obese children are at risk for the same health problems as obese adults, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. However, using dietary supplements for your child’s weight problem may not only be ineffective; these over-the-counter “weight loss pills” can have dangerous side effects.

2 mins read

Excessive Hair in Women

While some women strive to make the most of their sparse hair, others wish they had less hair, especially when the excess hair appears on the face or the upper body. Excess hair growth in women, known as hirsutism, can occur for a variety of reasons, including heredity. Although this is a common condition, hirsutism may signal the presence of a health problem that requires medical attention.