3 mins read

Advantages & Disadvantages for Children in a Single-Parent Family

Nowadays, it is just as common for children to be in a single-parent family than a traditional two-parent family. Due to divorce rate, delays in marriage, and those shunning the institution of marriage altogether, single-parent families are becoming increasingly popular [Source]. There are many advantages and disadvantages for children of single parents. Disadvantages Listed below…

4 mins read

Girls’ Night Out – Mommy Needs MeTime Too

Three beautiful words that always seem to light up the faces of whoever utters them. Back in the day, it meant putting on your favorite pair of Seven jeans and going on the prowl for Mr. Right-dancing the night away at your favorite club and eating Jack in the Box at three in the morning. And when I did find Mr. Right, I was so smitten that I was willing to gain seventy pounds, not …