Search Results for: marketing tips
Tips to Get Your Morning Routine Back on Track for Back to School
For most of us, summer is a bit different than the school year. It’s summer camp instead of school and that rhythm is very different than that of school days. Whether you’re a working mom or a mom who stays home (or maybe you work from home), getting back into the groove when school starts…
11 Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms Who Want To Go Back To Work
Stay-at-home moms: Dont fall for the media chatter that opting out of work to raise kids will sound the death knell for your career. It IS possible to get back in. You just need some advice and inspiration.Remember, as a full-time mom, you opted in to the most important job in the world – raising the next generation of capable and responsible adults. There’s no need to regret your decision; it was the …
10 Lifesaving Car Seat Safety Tips
The following is a guest post by Mitch Jawitz Rear-facing? Forward-facing? Middle seat? Installed at the right angle? These are all questions parents ask when it comes to child car seat safety. While we can’t keep accidents from happening, being better prepared can help prevent unnecessary injury to children. The following car seat safety tips can help you keep your kids safe on the road: 1. Children should be rear-facing until they reach the maximum height and/or weight listed for their given car seat model, usually about the age of two.
Ancient Asian Beauty Tips
Unlocking the mystery of Asian beauty has been the target of researchers who wonder why many Asians look younger than their age and they possess beautiful, smooth, silky skins. Asian beauty secrets date back to ancient times, when their ancestors used nature’s products and other healthy practices as part of their daily beauty rituals. Fortunately, you do not have to travel to Asia to find out their beauty secrets. You can follow their ancient practices in your home for a more beautiful you.
Internet Dating Tips for Women
Internet dating is booming. Whether via online matchmaking sites, social networking sites, online personals listings or online chat rooms, men and women are meeting potential friends, lovers and lifetime mates online. If you’re thinking that online dating is a poor second cousin to meeting somebody in real life, consider these statistics: One of the biggest free dating sites in the U.S.,, has received up to a million visitors in a single day, and Jupiter Research estimates the Internet dating industry will take in almost $2 billion in revenue by the year 2012. Why is Internet dating so popular? While it’s true that you can’t absorb certain details about a potential significant other simply from an online meeting, Internet dating offers benefits over real-life first meetings, the major one being that looking for love on the Internet opens the playing field to more people than you could ever hope to consider otherwise. Internet dating can be safe and extremely rewarding, if you keep certain tips in mind.