4 mins read

Give Your Medicine Cabinet a Makeover

Most people have a medicine cabinet in the house somewhere, filled with opened but unfinished dosages of cold medicines and boxes of Band-aids ranging from plain flesh-colored to those of the Hello Kitty or Spider Man variety. But just as spring cleaning comes around and it’s time to get rid of all those clothes you don’t wear anymore, your medicine cabinet should also go through a periodic makeover. What do you keep? What do you toss? And how do you decide? Here are some tips to take your medical stash from old and useless to current and prepared for any emergency!

2 mins read

5 Small Ways to Cut Back on Clutter

Being an organized mom is somewhat like being an artist. You just need some good supplies, tools and a little good advice. Everyone knows that there is an artist within all of us. It just needs to be drawn out and given a chance to perform. I would challenge each mom to give it a positive try. Here are some tools and advice I would give to the mom who wants to be organized: Practice Smart Scheduling

2 mins read

Get Organized for 2011

Being a mom is hard enough, but when you’re disorganized, it can seem like the hardest thing in the world. Getting organized will make your life a whole lot easier. Here are some tips and tricks to start the new year off right — organized and happy — so that you can focus on what’s really important, like your family. Take Action Immediately The real key to keeping paper clutter at bay is to handle it immediately. Putting it aside will only make the pile grow larger and discourage you from taking action later on.