3 mins read

Medical Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, the art of tuning the mind out of normal, conscious thought and into a relaxed state of awareness, is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture, and it’s about time. Meditation has been an integral part of Eastern life and religion for centuries. Health professionals report that people who make meditation a regular part of their lives experience a wide range of neurological, emotional, cardiovascular and immune system benefits. Specific types of meditation have also been identified as being particularly healthful for pregnant women.

3 mins read

How to Recognize Autism in Toddlers

Unlike many other disorders that afflict children, no chemical test can be performed to detect the presence of autism. Children are instead diagnosed with autism as the result of observations of their behavior. By watching how children interact with each other and the way they carry themselves, parents and medical professionals can detect and officially diagnosis autism. As a mom, you are on the front line of the autism war, as you will likely notice before all others that your child appears to be suffering. If you suspect that your toddler may be autistic, there are some characteristics for which you can watch.

2 mins read

Colon Cleanser & Skin Health

Some medical professionals claim that colon cleansers are a great way to help detoxify the body and enhance skin tone and general health, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, using a colon cleanser or getting a professional colonic might actually not be as helpful to health and beauty as the patient hopes. Learning more information about the ins and outs of colon cleansers and general skin care can help prepare you to make such health and beauty decisions.

2 mins read

Reduction or Removal of Deep Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Deep wrinkles around the eyes tend to happen as women age and can’t always be prevented, according to the Mayo Clinic. As the skin loses its natural elasticity, even ordinary activities, such as smiling or frowning, can cause wrinkles. Women who smoke are also at a higher risk of deep wrinkling. No matter what caused unwanted wrinkles, medical professionals can usually offer several types of treatments to reduce or eliminate the appearance of wrinkles

2 mins read

Symptoms to Be Concerned About During Late Pregnancy

Your third trimester of pregnancy can be fraught with different symptoms. The baby is completing its pre-pregnancy growth; your body is getting ready for labor. Though there are normal things for your body to do during these last few months of gestation, there are symptoms that warrant attention by medical professionals. Understanding what the abnormal symptoms are during late pregnancy will help you know when to call the doctor.