Search Results for: millions
Evil or Genius? The Story of How Kris Jenner made her daughter’s millions!
The Kardashians overtook their old friends, the Hiltons, in the realm of buying fame - for being, well, themselves, they make more than a handful of Hollywood leading men and women put together. Kris Jenner has been the mastermind of the family's success - is she just wicked-smart, or, is she actually evil? The Kardashians…
Millions Of Surge Protectors Recalled For Fire Hazards
Around 15 million APC SurgeArrest surge protectors have been recalled by Schneider Electricdue to fire hazards, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Millions of Frosted Mini-Wheats Boxes Might Have Metal Pieces
If you typically start your day with a bowl of cereal, beware! While you might find a special surprise in your box, it’s no toy or sticker pack.
Millions of Grandparents Raising Grandkids
Fifty-nine percent of the 3.1 million American kids who dont share a house with a parent live with their grandparents, USA Today reported. Citing U.S. Census data, the paper said 67 percent of the grandparents are under the age of 60 and 13 percent are under 45.
Millions Of Grandparents Are Raising Their Grandkids
More than half of the 3.1 million American kids who don’t share a house with a parent are living with their grandparents! Citing U.S. Census data, USA Today reported that67 percent of grandparents raising their grandchildren are under the age of 60, and 13 percent are under 45. Research is defining them as thethe skip generation household or grandfamilies.