2 mins read

Autism and Summer Camps

I am sending my son to a summer camp at the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center for two weeks. This is the first time my son has been to a “real” camp. What did my son do during the previous summers? My son was always in an Extended School Year program. The idea behind children with…

6 mins read

5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go Of Mom Guilt

When I went back to work after my twins were born, I felt tremendous guilt. Granted it was only 20 hours a week, with a good chunk of that working from home, but the guilt was real. Shouldn’t I spend every waking hour with my new babies? Wouldn’t a good mother want to stay at…

4 mins read

Tax Tips for Gifts to Charity

Although you donate gifts to a charity as an act of kindness, your charitable generosity may give you some much needed tax relief. Each time you make a donation, regardless if it is monetary, a service rendered or material items, make sure you obtain some type of record for your donation. When it comes time to file your tax return, pull out those records for the gifts you gave to charity throughout the year, and you could possibly decrease the amount of taxes you owe. Monetary Donations