4 mins read

Revisiting Autism and Gaming

My son played in his first gaming tournament on Saturday. What was the experience like? On the one hand, I was rooting for him and wanted him to do well. He’s new at this type of competition. He loves playing the game and wants to compete. But, he’s going up against very experienced, world class…

4 mins read

7 Cheap Ideas for Family “We Time”

Yes, we often emphasize how mommies need their me time. But, of course, family we time should never be overlooked. Its so important to spend time together as a family, whether you have one kid or 10! Here are seven ideas to get you started on your path to family fun. Remember, a family that plays together stays together! 1. Have a Picnic and Play Day

2 mins read

My Holiday Shopping List

It’s getting close to Christmas and I’m behind on my shopping. I missed all the Black Friday Christmas sales for one reason or another and now I’m scrambling to find presents for my family.This year I’m taking a different tactic. I’m focusing on the 3 C’s of Christmas which are communication, creativity and collaboration. Yup, I’m only buying gifts that fit into these categories. Lofty, perhaps…but …

5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Burke Family Traditions

Having just returned from New England with my family, I have a new-found love for frosty weather, bare trees and chaos.It was a meaningful week watching my children and my little brother navigate the loving traditions of my Burke roots. Getting the seven of us to the east coast on a red eye flight was ambitious, especially at this time of year, but oh-so-worth it.Props to me, if I do say so myself …