Search Results for: monotonous
What If I Don’t Find Pure Joy In Parenting?
JOY - joi/ noun - a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When I tell people I don’t find joy in parenting, half the time I am answered with a “hallelujah” and the other times I am totally judged. But see, it’s not that I don’t find parenting enjoyable and in moments joyful, it’s that I don’t…
How Can We Keep Kids From Cheating in School?
For older generations, studying involved a trip to the library and poring over several tomes of information. Now, thanks to the Internet, students have quick research tools like Google and Wikipedia. That should mean that there is less work for them to do in order to find the information they need. If that’s the case, shouldnt studying be a simpler task for this generation? Shouldn’t kids be less likely to cheat in order to get ahead? Unfortunately, not so much.
Fun Ideas for School Lunches
Eating the same boring turkey and tomato sandwich and celery sticks every day gets monotonous for kids. Soon, they’re trading their sticks for a pudding or begging cookies off the neighbor girl, and you’ve lost control over your child’s healthy lunch. Just a little thought and creativity makes the brown bag lunch more exciting and encourages your child to eat what you pack instead of trading it, mooching off others, and throwing away good food. Sandwich Switch
Fashion Friday: How to Mix Textures
Black is my number one, when-in-doubt, go-to color. It saves me many a getting-ready catastrophe! Of course, wearing all black, all the time can get a little boring.The antidote to a monotonous all-black ensemble is mixing textures. Dont be afraid to mix leather, lace, suede, knits, and even exotic skins like I do here.
How to Wear Leggings in the Winter
The necessities of winter clothing can be a blow to your personal style: Bulky jackets and sweaters hide even the sveltest figure, and the never-ending succession of jeans and heavy pants gets monotonous quickly. One of the best ways to add some flair to your winter wardrobe is with leggings. Wearing leggings in different materials and colors adds individuality to your cold-weather clothing choices, and allows you to wear nontraditional winter garments like skirts and dresses and still stay warm.