Search Results for: muscular
Exercises to Build Muscular Shoulders
The Fit Mommy Toolbox is a ModernMom resource for moms who want to live healthy and active lifestyles. Leave the hunched-backs at football practice! There are plenty of tall, striking mommies with strong and statuesque shoulders.
How To Become Your Own Personal Trainer
Hiring a personal trainer is an excellent way to ensure you will get your workouts done. If you are currently working with a personal trainer or have had one in the past, you probably realized that one of the benefits of hiring a trainer is ACCOUNTABILITY. When you schedule and pay for the training session…
The Evolution of This Mom’s Wardrobe
Once upon a time, I was a size 2. Running 6-8 miles a day and the stressful upheaval of life as I had known it caused me to lose 30 pounds in a period of 8-10 months. It was my lowest weight ever but also the strongest I’d ever felt. It was also the best…
How to Lift Breasts Naturally
Sagging breasts can be the cause of age or pregnancy, or even from losing or gaining a large amount of weight in a short period. Many women feel that surgery is the only way they can achieve beautiful, firm breasts, but that’s not true. There are different natural methods to achieving this.
Of Life, Loss and Finding Joy
That Moment in Time – When it felt time to have my first child, I knew it, and approached it as inevitable. But my next steps in life didn’t follow a straight path, it jerked sideways and turned out nothing like I imagined it would. I define my life as the before and the after;…