Search Results for: numerous strategies
What an Autism Parent Notices
What an Autism Parent Notices This happens to me all the time. (I’ll assume this also happens to lots of AutParents.) I’m in a breakfast room at a hotel. I get up to get a spoon and I notice this seven or eight-year-old boy organizing the salt and pepper packets in the container. He’s…
A New Strategy For Bullying: Teaching Resilience
The media is filled with news about bullying. The question is, does all of the attention help to decrease the bullying? Unfortunately, the answer is not clear.
How to Survive a Road Trip With Your Kids
As a family, we are lucky enough to take a few vacations during the year, all are within driving distance from our home (between two and five hours away).
Another Autism Conference
What do I think about autism conferences? Well, I really believe that both parents and professionals should get themselves out, from time to time, and attend some autism-related conference if your child is on the spectrum. I didn't do this at first. Early on, my husband and I focused on helping our child. We read…
Behavior Management for ADHD
If you’re a parent or teacher, you are no doubt familiar with the term “ADHD,” or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.