3 mins read

Advantages of Organic Food

Organic food, once regarded as part of hippie culture, is quickly gaining in popularity and commanding larger sections in local supermarkets. Even big business wants a part of the “green” as they race to create products that are more environmentally and health-friendly. The advantages of organic food are many. While some consumers might buy organic food strictly for its health benefits, others support the organic movement for environmental reasons and animal rights. Lastly, there are those who just want to see their local organic farmers thrive.

3 mins read

Organic Pregnancy Diet

When you wander the aisles of the grocery store, it seems that every food item has both an organic and non-organic, or conventional variety. Since the 1990s and into the 21st century, organic foods have grown in popularity. By 2005, 4 million acres of farmland were dedicated to organic farms, up from 1 million in 1990, according to Dr. Alan Greene at The Daily Green. When you’re pregnant, you may wish to eat more organic, or exclusively organic to protect your baby from exposure to pesticides.

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Should I Feed My Baby Organic Gerber 1st Foods?

In 2006, “Time” magazine reported that the purchase of organic baby food was a growing trend among consumers. Gerber Organic 1st Foods may appeal to your sensibilities, but not to your wallet. Organic products, made from fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides, cost more. However, while feeding your baby organic baby food may give you peace of mind, medical experts say that foods like Gerber Organic 1st Foods aren’t necessarily more nutritious.

3 mins read

Why Should We Eat Organic Food?

Organic foods cost — on average — 20 percent more than their non-organic counterparts. If you are looking to increase the nutritional value of the foods you serve your family and to decrease the chemical additives in the foods your family eats, paying the additional cost for organic foods may be worth it.

3 mins read

About Organic Baby Supplies

Infants are exposed to greater concentrations of chemicals than adults. A baby’s smaller surface area and body mass make her exposure ratios higher. Babies also put everything into their mouths. From bottles to toys, if chemicals have been used in the production or cleaning, the baby may be exposed to chemicals. For parents who want to reduce their baby’s risk of exposure to toxic chemicals, organic baby supplies are an option.