3 mins read

Divorce & Credit Cards

If you are getting a divorce, pay special attention to your credit cards. You may be liable for any credit card debt, particularly if your credit cards are joint accounts. If you divorce and still have joint credit cards, you are asking for trouble, according to the Credit Info Center website.

6 mins read

Navigating the 2024 United States Real Estate Market

The pandemic's far-reaching impact on economies worldwide has set in motion a series of events, including a surge in inflation rates and a rapid increase in mortgage rates. This economic upheaval has led many prospective homebuyers across the United States to bide their time, awaiting the right opportunity to venture into the real estate market.…

9 mins read

Don’t Break the Bank Over Summer Break!

Summer time – where the weathers warm and the livings easyand the gas prices are skyrocketing, luggage on airlines costs you at least an extra fifty bucks, and your dream ticket out of town is wildly unaffordable. What happened to the vacation part of summer vacation? AP Shopping Specialist Jodi Furman and fabuLESS are here to help you travel the world, soak up the rays on the beach, or have family fun time at a much more relaxing price. Outsmart your travel agent and kick your feet up with that break you deserve by using the following fabuLESS summer travel tips:

3 mins read

Birthday Party Games for Teens

Your teenager may tell you that he is too old for birthday games, but if you pick the right one, your teen might change his tune. In fact, most teenagers love any type of game that involves competing against their peers, and if the game has an element of strategy or skill. Keep it cool by limiting the amount of parental supervision needed and providing a few outstanding prizes, and your teen is sure to have a great time playing games at his birthday party.

2 mins read

Birth Announcement Ideas

You can’t really go wrong with any type of birth announcement, but there are some that are far more memorable than others. Your baby is a standout, so why not create outstanding birth announcements? To create a keepsake birth announcement good enough to frame, all it takes is a little inspiration.