Search Results for: overseas
Keep Your Kids Safe: Interview With a Survivor of Child Abuse
What can parents do to protect their children? To help answer that question, KidSafe Foundation in collaboration with Kristi Kernal of The OAASIS (Oregon Abuse Advocates & Survivors in Service) Organization in Oregon is continuing the important discussion of child sexual abuse by trusted adults in our schools.
The Poopy Puppy
When I got talked into getting a dog almost 2 years ago, I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Growing up, I had never had a dog. Heck, I don’t think I had ever properly petted a dog. But I signed up, got our puppy and, honestly, I can’t imagine our family…
Putting Creativity Back Into Christmas
Our family is going overseas for the holidays this year. I hate the thought of Santa having to turn up at our holiday destination because it means I have to lug oversized bags full of gifts both there and back. A family of eight has enough gear to drag around. To avoid this situation, I…
Deadly Food Allergies: From A Teen Who Has Them
This article was written by a 14 year old girl dealing with life threating food allergies. Hey Hun, my Mom tells my Dad, Lets stop at the market for groceries, perhaps we can we go to Whole Foods for dinner? Were getting groceries, so it might be easier to eat there. And, we want to celebrate! Great idea! he says.Crap. I thought to myself.And why not celebrate? We had just come …
Why I Need To Start Outsourcing
I have a new book out, which is really exciting. Its called Projection, and its set in two different time periods: one in present day California, one in Ancient Rome.