6 mins read

Why Gwyneth Has A Point

Gwyneth Paltrows smug smirk, flat stomach, and shiny keratin-straight hair all make my stomach twist. Even before last weeks Im the actress who is more clueless than George H.W. Bush gaffe about working vs. starlet moms, we all had plenty of reason to despise her. For Gods sake, she was engaged to Brad Pitt before his scruffy goatee days. She got to wake up next to THAT back in his …

2 mins read

Hair Care During Pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy can seem like one good hair day after another. Sure, you may have major morning sickness and fall asleep before the evening news, but your hair is thick and shiny enough to star in a shampoo commercial. Still, taking care of your hair during pregnancy can also be a little tricky because you might need to forgo some of your usual hair care methods.

4 mins read

Adoption Options…

Once you have made the decision to adopt a child, you should know all the options that are available to you and some facts to consider about them. Many options are available to prospective parents, both domestically and abroad, according to the University of Michigan Health System. The adoption process can take a long time, up to a year or even longer. It is best to take some time to explore all of your adoption options before you make your final decision.