Search Results for: patrons
You’re A New Mother… Oh, The Places You’ll Get Unsolicited Advice!
Congratulations! Today you gave birth. You’re on a new adventure! Your hips a wider girth! Baby brain’s in your head. Baby books in your hand. You now find yourself In a sleep-deprived land. You’re a new mother. And you know what you know. Which is next to nothing, or so you are told… My breath…
Getting The Stink Eye in Restaurants
You know how sometimes there can be so much cutlery in the road it seems like everywhich way you turn, you’re getting stabbed by a fork? Me too. It’s enough to make you want to just sit down and have a slice of pie. So tonight I sit with my pie (wine) and discuss an issue that has come up recently.
Well Behaved Children Welcome. The Rest Will be Made Into Pies.
Well behaved children welcome. The rest will be made into pies.
Are You Ready For Twins? Take This Parenting Test!
What do potatoes, grocery carts, cell phones, elective chest enlargement surgery, and wine bottles have to do with raising twins? Find out in this 10-part test.
Aqua Therapy for Children
Children with physical or developmental difficulties face big hurdles growing up. In addition to dealing with the ordinary stresses kids face in the world, children with special needs struggle to find their place in society. Aqua therapy provides physical benefits and mental benefits to young participants, in a supportive and safe environment.