3 mins read

Excessive Tiredness During Pregnancy

While some people assume that women wouldn’t begin to suffer from sleep exhaustion until after the baby is born, most currently or previously pregnant women will tell you that the pregnancy itself brought on noticeable bouts of tiredness. As a woman’s body goes through the changes associated with growing a baby, exhaustion commonly results. If you are struggling through your own period of pregnancy-induced sleepiness, consider how much exhaustion you should expect as well as what is at the root of this issue.

3 mins read

How to Get Out of a Bad Mood Quick!

Life is full of ups and downs, and the craziness of it all can easily put you in a funk at times. Most people assume their bad mood is directly correlated to whatever situation just happened to them. Let’s say, for example, that your significant other unloads the dishwasher and you yell at them for unloading it wrong. It is likely that your anger has nothing to do with the actual dishes, but an underlying issue that you are struggling with. Maybe you are really upset that your best friend said something hurtful and this is the easiest way to vent. Instead of becoming very upset in the moment, stop to process what is really going on. Take the time to really figure out what you’re upset about, even if it means peeling away several layers — you will get to the root of the issue and resolve it much better and faster.

3 mins read

Simple tips to zap a bad mood

Life is full of ups and downs, and the craziness of it all can easily put you in a funk at times. Most people assume their bad mood is directly correlated to whatever situation just happened to them. Let’s say for example that your significant other unloads the dishwasher and you yell at them for unloading it wrong. It is most likely that your anger has nothing to do with the actual dishes, but something underlying that you are struggling with.

1 min read

Can you give me any quick tips for making it easy to do my holiday cards?

Holiday cards are a great way to keep in touch with family and firends and a great thing to do. Problem is, people assume it takes so much time and effort that they often never even get started on them. Here are a few easy things you can do if you want to send out holiday cards in the next few weeks:-Consider an egreeting. You save on money and the environment (no paper) and you can download emails right from your contacts in email. Most allow you to include a photo as well.